

Acupuncture provides significant support for people in all stages of their cancer journey. It can provide relief from cancer symptoms and the side effects of oncology treatment. Acupuncture is safe and offered in many oncology hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, as an adjuvant to conventional oncology treatment.

Acupuncture is not provided to treat cancer. It is useful and safe to support you during oncology treatment as well as afterwards in regaining strength and wellness.

Evidence shows that acupuncture is useful in alleviating the following conditions. Scroll down for further information.

Acupuncture is based in traditional philosophies of health cultivation. The insertion of needles in specific acupuncture points aims to stimulate our bodies internal systems. Research shows that whole cascades of biomechanical changes happen within our bodies during and after an acupuncture treatment. This involves changes to local and global pain relief and changes to the messaging in our nervous systems and endocrine systems.

Acupuncture for cancer-related Fatigue

There is now strong evidence that acupuncture can significantly improve cancer-related fatigue. This has been shown in trials with patients during cancer treatment and post-treatment.

Acupuncture is a therapy that is beneficial for all levels of cancer-related fatigue. It is helpful for patients suffering complete exhaustion during treatment. It is also helpful between and after treatment.

A recent meta-analysis by Zhang (2017) examined 10 randomly controlled trials, covering 1327 patients and concluded “acupuncture is effective for CRF management and should be recommended as a beneficial alternative therapy for CRF patients, particularly breast-cancer patients and those currently undergoing anti-cancer treatment.”

We now know that treating or actively managing cancer-related fatigue can improve quality of life and outcomes. Actively addressing cancer-related fatigue can improve:

  • Feelings of physical exhaustion

  • Energy levels and day-to-day function

  • Ability to exercise

  • Quality of sleep

  • Appetite

  • Ability to relax, and more stable emotional symptoms

  • Cognitive brain function - memory, decision making and emotional resilience

Acupuncture for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting ranges from unpleasant to severely debilitating. At its worse it can cause patients to stop eating and cut short their cancer treatment.

Acupuncture has been shown to immediately reduce symptoms of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. As an adjunct therapy, it is largely without side-effects. For some fortunate people, it can be offered onsite in hospital to alleviate symptoms.

Acupuncture has long been used to settle overactive digestive symptoms. The acupressure point PC6 can be useful to reduce nausea and vomiting, even with strong manual pressure. It is also commonly used for all kinds of nausea - travel sickness and pregnancy related nausea. Special magnets or seeds can also be purchased at some pharmacies.

The PC6 point is located:

  1. On the inner forearm, between the two tendons.

  2. It is three finger-widths down from the inner wrist crease. Place three fingers next to the wrist crease. The PC6 point lies just beyond your three fingers (between the two tendons)

  3. Press down hard at this point, some relief from nausea can be elicited within 10-30 seconds.

Acupuncture works through this same mechanism. Some people find that relief can be more substantial. It can provide a way to finish courses of cancer treatment with less discomfort.

Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Acupuncture has been shown to potentially reduce the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Acupuncture has long been known to provide pain relief, using our bodies’ own endorphins. In treating CIPN, laboratory evidence is also showing that acupuncture can increase the rate of healing for nerve damage.

For many people who have received treatment, including in clinical trials, the improvement is permanent after a course of acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture points are selected in the hands and feet, but also in the on the arms, legs and trunk. The effect of treatment works locally at the site of pain, but also systemically on the central nervous system.

I have written a more extensive article on Acupuncture and Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy here.

Acupuncture for Overall wellness During and after Cancer treatment

In receiving acupuncture for specific cancer related symptoms, people may find benefit in their overall wellness. Symptoms that may benefit include:

  • Sleep disturbances, unrefreshing sleep

  • Emotional stability

  • Cancer pain

  • Foggy-head and cognitive function

  • Breathlessness (dyspnoea)

  • Appetite and digestion

  • Bowel and urinary function

  • Changes to sexuality

  • Smoking cessation

Christine provides acupuncture treatments for patients with cancer in Carnegie and North Fitzroy, Melbourne.

The Melbourne Integrative Oncology Group in Carnegie. Please visit www.miog.com.au for more information, or contact 9571 7498 to book.

The Neighbourhood Clinic in Fitzroy North. Please visit www.theneighbourhood.clinic, call 9043 6568 or book online here.